Insuring Your Playoff Passions: New Program for Memorabilia

In the land of the maple leaf, where hockey cards might as well be currency, an announcement has been made that is likely to have collectors of sports memorabilia breathing easier. No longer will their treasured collections be at the mercy of the one-size-fits-all approach of standard homeowners insurance policies. Thanks to a strategic alignment between NFP, a leading property and casualty broker, and Berkley Asset Protection, a finely tuned insurance solution is now on the table, tailored specifically for those with an affinity for sports collectibles.

For the uninitiated, collecting sports memorabilia is no minor league affair. From vintage baseball cards to signed hockey sticks, these treasures not only carry sentimental value but can also command eye-watering sums in the more cutthroat corners of the collectibles market. Traditional insurance policies can often fall short when it comes to covering these unique items, leaving gaps wider than a soccer goal, which is where NFP and Berkley’s new program comes into play.

Greg Dunn, Managing Director of Personal Risk at NFP in Canada, is pitching this new offering not just as insurance, but as an essential peace-of-mind package for collectors. It’s designed to handle everything from the appraisal anxiety of newly acquired items to the logistic nightmares of transporting them. Automatic coverage for new acquisitions and comprehensive transit insurance mean that from the moment a purchase is made, it’s protected.

During a check-in with Olivia Cinqmars-Viau, AVP of fine art underwriting at Berkley Asset Protection, it was clear that this new insurance solution isn’t just a modified version of an old playbook. Each policy is custom-built, taking into consideration the distinctive needs and risks of sports memorabilia collecting. It’s a bespoke suit in a world where off-the-rack just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Adding his perspective from the front lines of the collectibles showcase is Steve Menzie, president and owner of the Sport Card & Memorabilia Expo, the mecca for Canadian collectors. Menzie underscored the timing and impact of the new insurance program, pointing out that many collectors might not fully grasp the financial investment sitting on their shelves. With this new program, the financial value of these collectibles is acknowledged and protected, making it less about hypothetical value and more about actual worth.

The timing couldn’t be better as the NFP’s Personal Risk team is gearing up to step into the collector’s arena at the upcoming Sport Card & Memorabilia Expo in Toronto from April 25-28. Their mission? To hand out the game plans (or insurance policies, in this case) that could make a significant difference in how collectors manage risk. This expo not only allows them to introduce this bespoke insurance product but also to engage directly with those it will benefit most — the collectors.

This new initiative is part of NFP’s broader strategy to address the niche needs of their clientele. With over 1,000 staff deployed across Canada and more than 8,000 around the globe, they’re positioning themselves as not just insurance brokers, but as vital defenders of both the heart and hard cash invested in sports memorabilia. In a world where the value of a signed rookie card can skyrocket faster than a slapshot, having a safety net tailored for the specific needs of collectors isn’t just convenience, it’s necessity.

Whether your collection includes a signed Wayne Gretzky jersey or the infamous misprinted baseball card, the new insurance program by NFP in partnership with Berkley Asset Protection ensures that your investment is as secure as a puck in a goalie’s mitt. In a market where the admiration for sports history often translates into valuable collectibles, having a direct line to customized, comprehensive insurance isn’t just playing defense, it’s scoring a hat trick for collectors everywhere.


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